The cycle of eating, sleeping, waking up, fasting, praying, eating, praying and sleeping has kept us all busy, and sometime exhausted, unable to actually get done all the things that were on our to-do list for the month.
3 HUGE Unspoken and Overlooked Tips to Optimize Ramadan
- Increased Pure Foods
- Decrease Food Quantity
- Be Grateful
We all know this month is about optimizing our bodies and our souls -spiritually and physically. So when it comes to spiritual health, Allah (SWT) has placed a direct connection between our physical and spiritual health, and most importantly our food.
So when Allah or our Prophet (S) talks about food, they emphasize PURE quality, SMALL quantity and High nutrient dense foods.
- Focus on Pure Quality of Food
Allah has given us the keys to “falakh” success in this life and the next, in surah baqarah ayah number 168, Allah tells us that in order to not follow sayytaan, all of mankind must eat pure and lawful.
Conclusions from the Quran and Sunnah:
From all the ayahs in the Quran and evidence from the Sunnah, one can conclude that eat pure foods is directly linked to our faith and true success in this life and the next and eating impure is not only prohibited but also opens the doors of shaytaan.
- Decrease our Quantity of Eating
The importance of food quantity is very heavy in Islam.
Allah even describes the characteristics of those of the Hell fire as those that graze like cattle. What are we doing after we open our fasts?
We need to put the emphasis on pure nutrient dense foods and small quantity of foods.
Problems with an impure life:
Briefly, now science has proved how dangerous impure foods are to our health and our spiritual health.
Impurities can also lead to an imbalance in our gut bacteria leading to so many chronic disease, including depression, anxiety, autism, autoimmunity and even cancer.
Our gut bacteria can even affecting our gene code and our brains (through the vagus nerve). SubhanAllah! So Allah (SWT) knew that what we put in our bodies, effects everything including our minds and decisions.
- Attitude of Gratitude
As we are all mind, body and soul, healing the soul is an important aspect in prevention and healing of disease. Scientific studies indicate the positive relationship between spirituality and health. When the thinking mind stops and spiritual energy begins to flow through you, and causes the following healthy changes in the physical body especially if one practices them daily. Spirituality effects the physical body by improving blood circulation, decreasing blood pressure, improving digestion and detoxification, turns off unhealthy genes and helps in improving the overall immune system.
The importance of positivity is all over in the Quran. Allah (SWT) uses the strongest language in the Quran, as he promises and swears to it that he promises he will increase you if we are grateful. The beauty of this is that Allah (SWT) doesn’t specify what he will increase us in and who we need to be thankful to. No specifications, so it makes it even more beautiful that the combinations are endless. Alhumdulillah! I’m grateful for you!
So immediately when you wake up and before you sleep, make sure you say 10 things you are thankful for every single day, so we can truly be a people of alhmudulillah.
In Ramadan, we need to concentrate on pure foods, as impure foods are prohibited in our religion. In Ramadan, we need to start to train our bodies to eat less than 1/3rd of our stomach full of food, 1/3rd of our stomachs full of water and 1/3rd of our stomach filled with air.
What is pure and what is impure?
Focus sahoor and iftar on veggies, fruit, protein and healthy fat, and you can’t go wrong. Here are examples:
Pure Food, Pure Environment, Pure Thoughts, Pure Words, Pure Friends,
Pure Sleep, Positive Thoughts, a Pure Lifestyle = HEALS
Allah (SWT) Knows Best
RELATED ARTICLE: Assess to Optimize Sleep!
Taking Your Life Back,
Madiha Saeed, MD ABIHM
Holistic Mom, MD
PS: Get your FREE copy of Healing Bundle.
Gut Health:
Insulin resistance:
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