We are all under attack! Should we really need to worry about toxins? The answer is simple- YES!!!
We need to wake up to the reality that we are seriously under attack- our families, our children, our homes… we are getting sicker under our very roofs! Isn’t that crazy?
Toxins are all around us. But to try to avoid them, we have to figure out where they are first. Let’s look for those terrible toxins, and no I don’t mean the terrible two year old- even though they can be pretty toxic under that cute little face, we know what they are really up to.
Toxins could be hiding in things that look nice, and benign. – Tweet this!
There are lots of categories of toxins, but for simplicity sake, let’s talk about
- Heavy Metals and
- Hormone Disruptors.
Heavy metals like Mercury can be found in silver filings, cosmetics, and pesticides. The health impacts are highly dependent on the form of mercury that you are exposed to; exposure in adults can lead to dementia, while one of the types of mercury exposure can cross the placenta and impair cognitive function in children.
Then there is Arsenic, which is commonly found in drinking water. It is also found in insecticides’ residues on fruit, vegetables, chicken, and rice and in household detergents. Our exposure to arsenic can lead to diabetes and gout and makes it harder to remove any mercury from your body, which will increase your risk of autoimmune diseases and cancer.
Next up is lead. Lead can still be present in older homes and its exposure may lead to cardiovascular disease and IQ problems.
What Are Hormone Disrupting Chemicals? – Tweet this!
These chemicals are readily absorbed and mimic the effects of our hormones. They can send mixed messages to the endocrine system disrupting the hormones’ natural actions. Examples include Xenoestrogens which are endocrine-disrupting chemicals that mimic the effects of estrogen. They build up in fatty tissues of animals and can cause effects like early puberty, difficult and early periods, male infertility, obesity, cancer, and increased inflammation.
Other estrogen disrupters you probably heard of but ignored like I had done early include BPA and Phthalates and Parabens.
BPA (bisphenol-A) is found in plastics such as containers and baby formula cans. It coats store register receipts. It can cause problems in hormonal signaling that promotes weight gain, insulin resistance, and diabetes; impairs brain development in newborn babies.
Phthalates and Parabens are also estrogen disruptors. They are added to many personal-care and hygiene products and have been implicated in cancers, endocrine disruption, ADHD, diabetes, obesity, because they lead to insulin resistance.
Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent often added to antibacterial soaps, body washes, deodorants, hairsprays, and toothpastes and is being studied as a potential cancer-causing agent.
Other toxins you could have around your home are lurking in non-stick pans, Perfluorooctainoic Acid (PFOA), a chemical released when Teflon are scratched and/or heated. PFOA has been shown to cause liver damage and developmental problems in animals, is a known carcinogen, and decreases energy and mental concentration. I remember, when my brother had a parrot, they specifically told him that any fumes from a nonstick would kill the bird! Isn’t that crazy!
Pesticides are used in agriculture to kill insects. Small amounts, obtained through our food, over time can disrupt our hormones and the microbiome, leading to overall inflammation.
Bromide (polybrominated diphenylethers [PBDEs]) and Chlorinated Phosphate are found in flame retardants in furniture and upholstery and in our mattresses.
It has been shown to have altered thyroid function, ADHD, diabetes; associated with neurodevelopmental problems in children.
In 2014, Lancet Neurology classified Fluoride is a neurotoxin that damages more than two hundred enzymes and causes developmental neurotoxicity that persists over generations.
Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs are found in perfumes, air fresheners, household cleaners, and shampoos. They are neurotoxic.
Have I scared you from ever coming out into the world again? I want to tell you that there is hope. Come out from under your covers, clean up, and let’s talk next time about how we could optimize the security from any bad guy!
Related Article: Don’t Eat, Swallow, Breath or Come in Contact with these!
Taking Your Life Back,
Madiha Saeed, MD ABIHM
Holistic Mom, MD
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