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3 HUGE Unspoken and Overlooked Tips to Optimize Ramadan


How can we optimize our Health for the best Ramadan yet? InshAllah (God Willing):

1. Focus on Pure Quality of Food

Allah has given us the keys to “falakh” success in this life and the next, in surah Baqarah ayah number 168, Allah tells us that to not follow saytaan, all of mankind must eat pure and lawful. “O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.”(Quran 2:168) 

What is Tayyib? 

Tayyib is a very comprehensive word and has a great place in the Qur’an and Sunnah. The word ‘tayyib’ itself means to be pure, good, clean, wholesome, gentle, excellent, fair and lawful, while the opposite Khabith means impure, GMO, artificial like colors, preservatives, ect. 

Look how heavy that is. Our purpose for being Muslims, is to worship Allah (Quran 51:56). In this ayah and more (2:172, 5:88, 16:114), Allah has equated eating pure to truly believing in Allah. If we don’t eat pure, what does that say about us as Muslims? Are we truly following saytaan.

Is Pure Equal to Following the Messenger? Impure PROHIBITED! 

In surah 7:157, Allah (SWT) provides human kind with a formula to success: Following the Messenger (S) + who live tayyib and prohibits impure = Success This is heavy! Allah (SWT) has made equal- following the Messenger to living tayyib and staying away from impurities. Meaning if we don’t follow one or the other we will not be successful. 

Allah (SWT) is Pure and Accepts Only What is Pure…Tayyib as a Prerequisite 

This Ramadan, let us work on becoming truly pure, so that our deeds are accepted. May Allah (SWT) help us all. Allah Knows Impurity Surrounds and Tempts Us “Say: Evil and good are not equal, even though the abundance of evil may be pleasing to you. Have fear of God, you who are endowed with understanding, so that you may triumph.” (Quran 5: 100) Allah (SWT) knows that we are bombarded all around us with impurities. Allah (SWT) constantly tells us to use our brains and understanding, to know there are not the same. And those that use this understand, will be successful. InshAllah. 

Ramadan is right around the corner; this is Allah blessed time to build that connection with Allah and take care of all our blessings. 

How are we going to use this time to optimize the blessings that we get from Ramadan?

Get my Free E-book:

Ramadan Mind Body Soul Revival

Preparing Your Health for the Best Ramadan Yet!

2. Decrease the Quantity of Eating

The importance of the amount we eat is very heavy in Islam. We have been commanded and instructed to eat very little food just to keep our backs straight. 

Prophet (S) even says, that a believer eats with one stomach, while a nonbeliever eats with seven. When we close and open our fasts, how many stomachs do you eat with? And what does it say about us, if we overfill ourselves before and after we fast? Allah even describes the characteristics of those of the Hell fire as those that graze like cattle. What are we doing after we open our fasts? We need to put the emphasis on pure, nutrient dense foods and small quantity of foods. Impurities can also lead to an imbalance in our gut bacteria leading to so many chronic disease, including depression, anxiety, autism, autoimmunity and even cancer. Our gut bacteria can even affecting our gene code and our brains (through the vagus nerve). SubhanAllah! So Allah (SWT) knew that what we put in our bodies, effects everything including our minds and decisions. 

Start to focus on pure quality, small quantity and Qur’anic/Prophetic (s) foods. Check below for an amazing Ramadan Recipe Book (Free).

Recipes for Success:

Now that we talked about the importance of eating tayyib. Let’s dive into what we should eat for suhoor and iftar that will keep us healthy and most importantly successfully through our fasts

Click to get free my 5 Suhoor, 12 Iftar (and 7 Dessert) Ramadan Recipes here.

3. Attitude of Gratitude

Let’s be honest. 

In my personal experience, I have noticed that Muslims are some of the most negative people on the planet. 

How can we truly get the most out of Ramadan, we need to focus on getting back to a people of alhumdulillah. 

Gratitude can optimize the immune system and studies have shown that it can even lower inflammatory molecules. We are no longer a people of alhumdulillah. Our subconscious is always focused on what we don’t have.

“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, my punishment is severe.” (Quran 14:7) 

Through the science of neuroplasticity, the ability to form and organize synaptic connections, with constant negativity or fear, our brains rewire to respond to this negativity, threatening our ability to employ the prefrontal cortex, leading to disease and despair. Adding gratitude every day, can change our subconscious from a world of negativity to a world of positivity, improving our immune system and helping us make better decisions. 

In my house, we are constantly grateful daily. We wake up singing the grateful song, we eat thankful for all the nutrient dense ingredients that can keep us strong, we are thankful for family time and talk about all the blessings that are coming out of this pandemic. We talk about how this is strengthening us from the inside out, as change comes from within. Remember to be compassionate during this process for all those around us, including ourselves. 

So this Ramadan, focus on making a conscience effort in being more positive, inshAllah


-Dr. Madiha Saeed

Allah (SWT) Knows Best

P.S. For additional resources and support:

Our NEW Book: The Pandemic Prescription: Restoring Hope from the Quran, Sunnah and Science 

My gift from our family to yours: 20 dessert recipes from my kitchen to yours! 

Website: www.HolisticMomMD.com

Instagram: @holisticmommd and @_holisticmuslim_md

YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/HolisticMomMD

Listen to our podcast on iTunes: The Holistic Kids Show Podcast 

My Course: The Holistic Rx 101 Real Healing  for chronic Disease for Real Life!

My Book: The Holistic Rx: Your Guide to Healing Chronic Inflammation and Disease 

Learn More HolisticMom, MD, Holistic Urdu, MD and Healthy Holistic Muslim Families, Holistic Muslim on Facebook 

The post 3 HUGE Unspoken and Overlooked Tips to Optimize Ramadan appeared first on Holistic Mom.

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